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Alright thx 🔥
let us know when you are stuck and how
Which one you guys use, Arduino ide or Arduino cli ? I want to hear your opinion
I dont even use Arduino, everything I have tried anything on that platform it didnt work and I cried
But we have some very good people at arduino you would be amazed at what @jeremycook does!
Well that is nice of you to say @superbike_z 😃
As for me, I use the Arduino IDE and rarely use the CLI. Seems like you have to use the CLI sometimes for various tasks, and I THINK if you’re rather advanced in certain programming/command line procedures it can work out well, but that’s not really me.
Getting started I would install the Arduino IDE, then there will likely be requirements for installing an ESP8266 board package. There should (hopefully) be some documentation associated with the board that you have that walks you through this procedure. Good chance you’ll have to go into settings and input an additional board manager URL as seen at the bottom of this screencap (example URL, may be different for you).

Better to start with arduino
and After that if it is only esp mcu then you can try esp-idf
Alright, but isn’t esp just the same but have a wifi?
same in which perspective?
Ok thanks for the input, I should go back to arduino ide because I’m having a lot of problems in cli. I watched youtube and many youtubers said to use cli
Both function as microcontrollers. I just learned to control led
I would arduino ide and if you want something else other than Arduino IDE you can look into PlatrformIO ide
You can say that
for now yes they are same
start with arduino IDE
What are the cool things that only arduino can do and esp8266 can’t?
Oh sorry I thought you meant Arduino Uno
Esp can do more thing than arduino
but esp8266 lacks some analog pin as compare to arduino
Im sorry, but what is analog pin?, for what
Don’t worry about that now brother
you will be get into that soon
just start working
everything will come one after another
To interface any analog sensor to mcu we use analog pins.
one that produces a continuous(Analog) signal as opposed to a discrete (digital) signal.