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if it’s using I2C,
how about probing it once
For context I am trying to get image feed off a imx219-160 camera on a raspberry pi 0 2w in headless mode
using something like i2cdetect?
it’s trying to do sensor.init() but is unable to read the version ID
Ok cool let me run it
Linux land is just insane
so big
almost autosar
`Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-1′ or `/dev/i2c/1′: No such file or directory`
My cable could be wrong
Are you trying to run a camera on a RPi5?
on RPi 0 2w
OK – similar chip…
after that try acessing the chip ID register

looks to me like an i2c comms issue
It could also be not enbaled in the Device Tree
i also feel the same
Is there an overlay for I2C?
software or cable
I just enabled. i2c on raspi config
then trying again
I added an overlay to enable the camera
Ok so now I have this
I seem to have enabled i2c
but no camera yet
That’s a distinct lack of camera 🙂
I think re hook up the cable maybe its not connected just right.
is it logic high?
check with a multimeter if the cable is logic high or not
ifso then it a maybe cable prob then
or pinctrl doesnt enable logic high
I just watched a video and I realise the guy at the shop might have connected the cable upside down
was in a rush and I just wanted it to work
rebooting then we can check again
Hurry potter.
Upside down cable and I have signal
do you mean the flex cable?
yes sir
i have done that
i feel you
it’s always a damn wire!
No – we witnessed your debugging and problem determination skills!
i need this kind of optimism everyday
i need this kind of optimism everyday
I need this kind of time to debug