Planning on making a power pack consisting of 4 1.2V or 1.5V AA batteries in parallel. I am now trying to create the same type of circuit as the one […]
can someone help me to add pi-camera in ESP32-Drone project ? this is the base circuit
My name is Barileloo and I’m an electronics ethusiast. I’m currently working on a printed and doing my design with the help of KiCad. I’m open to collaborations and help […]
Looking for some help with getting Clock output on MCO1 (PA8) from LSE here’s a snippet of what I am doing. My logic analyzer gets no pulse from the LSE. […]
i have designed this atmega 32 dev board (my first pcb project ) – . Can anyone tell me how to write documentation for it ?
Hi, I’ve got a KiCad project (revised 1-inch-midi) that I’ve been working on that involves 3 boards separated by rat bites. Ground, VCC and two signal pins are passed between […]
My latest WIP, the “World’s Second Smallest MIDI Controller” (I think). It’s a bit bigger than the first iteration in order to accommodate a potentiometer and larger buttons, as […]
I want to build a 20A power supply
Came up with some code for a project I’m working on that is able to read two buttons for each analog input (and tell if two have been pushed) based […]