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I didn’t use bazel. Since I’m using cube ide, I used this generation script:
It ouputs a directory that I included in my project and added necessary directories as “includes” folder in build. I still needed to paste further directories from the tflite-micro projects itself as I’m getting error about specific header files being not found when building
But once I successfully integrated it into my project, I’m getting a lot of errors from the tensorflow code itself. So I temporarily kept my project aside for now. I’m away without my laptop now, but I can answer any questions.
I saw that
after adding tflite with X-Cube-AI my project won’t even build
so I left the cubeide
now trying some other `Baaazeeel` way
Have you tried building the examples?
I didn’t use X-cube-AI. I tried to just integrate the whole micro directory into my build.
For me, it seems like they want us to follow their own directory tree and build system instead of using it as a library in another project
Ah so Bazel is the way
we can change it most probably but we have to change it quite a lot
I would say most probably I am at the last stage of success
one more error fixed and I am good to go
and such his epitaph read
see my toolchain is now changed
bad news i was unable to handle this include
I tried many ways but sadly it didn’t work
I hope it will work by tomorrow morning
don’t be weary, issues are finite
here how I did it for the stm32f7xx_it.h
here the *.cmake for the toolchain
with cmake we have no issue man
but we have to use bazel
Hmmm @undefined2001 try finding a guide to migrate from cmake to Bazel
@superbike_z , did you try to convert the model to c array
the model is converted its running the inference thats an issue
@undefined2001 I *think* I got it working.
Run `make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=cortex_m_generic TARGET_ARCH=cortex-m4+fp microlite` to create a `libtensorflow-microlite.a` library file.
Then add it to your stm project and add it as a library to link in build settings. Include the necessary header files as well.
I just made an inference with their hello world example. I keep getting output 52, which I don’t know is correct or not but atleast it is working.
let me look into it
bazel is killing me man
trying it since last week
non stop everyday
@.araki_ how you have tried to implement in your project
can you please share your github?
I’m not making any actual project at the moment. I’m just learning and wanted to get TFLM working inside an STM generated project. Here’s a gist on steps I followed:
I just solved many errors that happened while tring to make it work. So ask me if there is any specific issue
I am getting error related to flatbuffers
include headers
add core/Inc/third_party/flatbuffers/include to the includes directory in build settings
there is nothing in it
include is empty
I compiled the library
now after that I have to use that i guess in my project
I have a `libtensorflow-microlite.a`
you also have to generate a file structure and copy it to your project, once see my gist
this portion?
I want to use my custom model what should I do?
any idea
This just sets up everything. To run inference, first convert your model into C array. Then you need to invoke it. I added an example main file to the gist, once refer it.
You can also look at the generated examples in /tflm-tree
I did it to an extent but have you used error reporther?
in my case error reporter is misisng
I did not use error reporter but it seems to be present in tflm-tree.

Also, be sure to include all the Operations your model needs in the OpResolver. And allocate enough arena size
my bad
in my case it is also there
just the path was a bit different
let me fix it too
thanks for all the help
I will write a detailed guide since I am not doing it with CubeIDE
@.araki_ here comes the nightmare

Ah, I guess rtos and tflm is too much. You’re doing release build right, What board/mcu are you using?
I have only 128KB ram
I think too much
I wonder what optimization you will employ now
I can make release but that won’t do much