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I think @umeshlokhande mentioned that ESP32 is bad at low power
is it RISC-V or ARM?
and youy have optimized freertos for power?
are you yielding to sleep
its RISC-V
I don’t know much about that arch
Hey @superbike_z , i have been able to achieve deep sleep as I want with the current consumption currently at 283uA or approximately 0.3mA. The culprit was the cp2104 USB to UART bridge, I decided to desolder the chip. I observed that while the esp32 goes to sleep, the cp2104 was active and draining that power, when desoldered the system consumes less.
Ah it’s probably on to enable logging, You see in Zephyr you would have used an overlay and disabled that device in the kernel, lets talk about this at the meetup on a few cc @techielew
@afuevu_ were you using esp idf
I’d expect a configuration value to disabple that peripheral
maybe even just disable the clock going to it
Yes I am using esp idf
but it might be very hidden